Join Our Exclusive FREE community & access 
the 'No Call Conversion Code' 
showing how to grow a hyper-profitable 
online community 
& close $1k - $15k deals without sales calls, closers, setters & only 
3 'work' days each week
"Who Is That Guy?..."
Hey folks, I'm Jamie....

I remember starting my 'online career' around waaay back in the day..

I'll spare you the sob story of rags to riches, but here's a quick overview of my journey; 
  • Full time coach & Consultant
  • ​Started way back in 2011
  • ​Coach to over 917+ students
  • ​Millions in products sold
  • ​2CC award winner for surpassing $1mil in 14 months from scratch
  • ​Award winning affiliate...
  • ​Millions of revenue for my students
...And if you really want to know the sob story, here's a synopsis; 

2011: started building blogs

2013: CPA marketing

2013-2015: e-commerce stores (shopify, ebay etc)

2015: bankrupt :(

2017: started an agency

2018: broke again

2019: pivoted to affiliate marketing…

2019: first $1k day 

2020: My wife retired from her stressful job

2020: first $10,000+ DAY

2021: $1,000,000+ in revenue through ONE funnel

2022: $20,000+ cash collected in under 72 hours

Surpassed 917 (lost count after that) students

2023: Bought land in cash in prep to build our dream home

2024: $30,000 - $51,000 months by....

...Leveraging a simple 'No call conversion code' where I make daily sales in my business & close $1k - $15k deals with a few simple social posts, a handful of DM's and a trust Google Doc. 

In my corporate career and earlier in the successful part of my online business I took literally thousands of sales calls. 

They work. 

Very well in fact.

I've sold in excess of 8-figures in my coporate career via calls or zoom calls & in-person events. 

I've sold over 7-figures for my own coaching/consulting online. 

The problem I faced was two-fold; 

I knew I didn't want to manage a team of setters or closers to grow my coaching or consulting business. 

I found myself as a solopreneur it very taxing that I had little control over my calendar.

People would book a call and not show up, so I had reserved a time that was now no longer of use. I'd end up scrambling to fill that time with 'productive' tasks to make up for it. 

I also never liked this concept of having to 'force' the sale into a single moment in time.

I prefer to work with leaders and good leaders are those who make good decisions. 

I'd rather people come to me when they're good and ready and know all the facts in advance. 

Time investment. 

Money investment. 


A 45 minute strategy session to ilicit $5,000 - $15,000+ from someone no longer worked for me & so I started closing calls via a few dm's. 

Then I got 'fancy' and added a Google Doc to the mix.

The process is pretty simple when you have the pieces in place. 

If you're a coach wanting to bolt this process on, or are a new coach looking to build a true lifestyle business that doesn't take constant management and allows you the freedom and flexitbility to grow a highly profitable online business where you're magnetically attracting your dream clients...

Go check out the free training in my community....
I'm a pretty normal dude. I love the outdoors, travelling and basketball.

This pic is me combining all three on the back of a cruise ship through Europe..

(Note to self: extend your elbow & hold your follow-through. Fellow ballers will get that).

What I love most is....

Being able to serve so many amazing people...

Here's just a small fraction of some of the folks I've been able to help....
'$0 - $50k in 4 months!'
"We did a $53k Launch...."
'..I started hitting $20k+ months after his advice'
"I went from $0 - $20k part time with his guidance"

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